Condoit Reports & Exports

Access reports & exports that match your business needs.

Access Reports

Generate reports on the Mobile App by tapping the square share in the upper-right from the page with your desired data. 

Click any listed report to jump to a sample and description:

Find out more about each report and export - including examples - in the rest of this article.

😎  Fields with blank data are hidden on the generated report to keep your report clean and professional.

📄 Once reports are generated on the Mobile App, they can be viewed from the Web App. Note that exports are saved to your local device when exported and so are not saved in this list.

Site Walk Reports

In the Mobile App, open your project then tap the square share in the upper-right. These reports contain all notes and photos from Site Walk Form. 

👉 View Sample Site Walk Report

Optionally, choose to add the Single-Line Diagram (SLD) as part of the report.

You may have multiple single-lines associated with your project since you will have an As-Built and may have multiple proposed designs. The SLD that generates in this report is whichever one was most recently opened, or the As-Built by default.

👉 View Sample Site Walk Report with SLD

💡Use Cases: 

  • Sales Teams use to compile proposals for new services or installs.
  • Customers use to understand their current infrastructure. 
  • Electrical & Engineering Teams use as a basis to develop installation plans.

Single Line Diagram Exports

From any SLD, tap the square share in the upper-right and select Single Line Diagram to generate traditional 24 X 26 engineering reports, designed with your company's logo.

👉 View Sample SLD  As-Built

👉 View Sample SLD Proposed Design

💡Use Cases
  • Engineers can generate PDF diagrams which can be imported into other software
  • Engineers & Electricians can use as reference to analyze designs & load capacity.

Equipment Report

From any SLD, tap the square share in the upper-right and select Equipment Report,  to view all specs, notes, and photos of existing equipment. This report includes data from the Site Walk Form and the SLD.

👉 View Sample Equipment Report

 ðŸ’¡Use Cases:

  • Engineering Teams can understand as-built equipment and make recommendations for new installs.
  • Electrical Teams can understand current equipment for new services or design proposals. 
  • Customers have visuals for proposed maintenance, service, and installation proposals.

BOM (Bill of Materials)

Generate a professional BOM from your proposed design. Add rows to customize your report and seamlessly share it directly from Condoit.

From any Proposed/Design SLD, tap the square share in the upper-right and select Bill of Materials to create a list of all new equipment and materials required for the open proposed installation.

Download the report as either a PDF or CSV; PDFs are added to the View Project Reports list while CSV files are downloaded to your local device.

👉 View Sample Bill of Materials

Check out the BOM in action! 

💡Use Cases:

  • Estimators can share with suppliers for cost assessment of materials.
  • Sales Teams can include material details in project proposals.
  • Sales Teams can create alternate proposals and estimates for more than one design.

Condoit Design Report

From any Proposed/Design SLD, tap the square share in the upper-right and select Condoit Design to create a combined report of the BOM and Site Walk Report with SLD for a proposed design.

💡Use Cases:

  • Sales Teams share a proposal with key information all in one document to support needed materials and recommendations.
  • Estimators reference site details while evaluating needed materials.