Create or Edit Multiple Projects

Use the import tool from Condoit's Web App to create or manage multiple projects at once.

Create Import File

Edit Existing Projects

  1. Navigate to Condoit's Web App.
  2. Optional: Refine desired project list.
    1. View My Projects (you are the Owner or Assigned) or All Projects (all projects for your company).
    2. Use Search or Filter.
  3. Click Export to create a .csv file of all projects displaying in your project list.
  4. Open the downloaded .csv from the saved file on your device.
  5. Modify then save the .csv file, following these rules:
    1. Do NOT edit the Id field. This is an internal identifier that will allow updates to an existing project rather than creating a new project.
    2. Do NOT change column names.
    3. Columns may be deleted or reordered.
    4. Follow email and date formatting to minimize validation errors.
    5. Emails must be for Condoit users with authorization to access the project.

Add New Projects

  1. Navigate to Condoit's Web App.
  2. Click Import on the menu.
  3. Click Templates to select and download the project file template.
  4. Modify then save the .csv file, following these rules:
    1. Either remove the Id field or leave it blank. Condoit will populate a unique identifier when then file is loaded. 
    2. Do NOT change column names.
    3. Type indicates which project form should be populated. If unknown, leave blank.
      1. EV Site Walk
      2. Solar Site Walk
      3. Lighting Site Walk
      4. Single Line Diagram
      5. General Site Walk
    4. Status may be left blank to default new project status as active.
    5. Columns may be deleted or reordered.
    6. Follow email and date formatting to minimize validation errors.
    7. Emails must be for Condoit users with authorization to access the project.

📁 If you do not know which project Type to enter, leave it blank in the .csv file. You will be prompted with a list of options during the project data review and validation.

Import Data

Import Project List

  1. Navigate to Condoit's Web App.
  2. Click Import on the menu.
  3. Click Start New Import.
  4. Add file then click Start.
  5. Loaded files display in your Imports List. ⚠️ Project data has NOT yet been created or updated. ⚠️ 

    1. If you need to remove the file from your Imports List, scroll to the right and click the three dots to Delete the file.

Review Project Data

  1. Projects that pass validation display as Ready.
    1. Optional: Click Ready button to edit or add more project details.
  2. Click Error button to identify and correct data errors until the status changes to Ready.
    1. If more than one error exists for a single project (i.e. invalid Assigned To and missing project Type), all errors must be corrected to update the row.
    2. Optional: Update multiple rows at once by editing the .csv on your device then clicking re-upload file. ⚠️ This will overwrite data for any rows not already Imported. ⚠️
  3. Select the checkbox(es) next to the project(s) in Ready status then click Actions then Import Items.
    1. You may import validated projects even if other projects from the list still have errors.
    2. You may import validated projects in batches.
    3. You may return to list in another session to continue correcting and importing.
  4. The status for the selected projects changes to Imported; the projects have been created or edited for your company.

    ❗Only rows displaying as Imported have been loaded to projects for your company.